Example Perl code
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; ####################################### # # 99 bottles of beer on the wall # Written in object oriented Perl # ####################################### my $beer = Bottles->new(); $beer->Take_One_Down() while $beer->Remaining(); package Bottles; sub new { my $bottles = 99; bless \$bottles; } sub Take_One_Down { my $self = shift; my $s = $$self == 1 ? '' : 's'; print "$$self bottle$s of beer on the wall,\n"; print "$$self bottle$s of beer.\n"; print "Take one down, pass it around.\n"; $$self--; $s = $$self == 1 ? '' : 's'; print "$$self bottle$s of beer on the wall.\n\n"; } sub Remaining { my $self = shift; return $$self; }
Origin: http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-perl-648.html
#!/usr/bin/perl # Jim Menard jimm@{bbn,io}.com (617) 873-4326 http://www.io.com/~jimm/ $nBottles = $ARGV[0]; $nBottles = 100 if $nBottles eq '' || $nBottles < 0; foreach (reverse(1 .. $nBottles)) { $s = ($_ == 1) ? "" : "s"; $oneLessS = ($_ == 2) ? "" : "s"; print "\n$_ bottle$s of beer on the wall,\n"; print "$_ bottle$s of beer,\n"; print "Take one down, pass it around,\n"; print $_ - 1, " bottle$oneLessS of beer on the wall\n"; } print "\n*burp*\n";
Origin: http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-perl-539.html
Some additional examples
print <<"END"; Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END print <<'END'; Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END print <<END; Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END fin