The following is an example of syntax highlighting through xslt using xslthl . The following Xslt processor was used: SAXON 8.7 from Saxonica ( )

PHP Example

This is an example PHP program


 * One bottle left exception
 * @author Dave Marshal
 * @since 22/09/2005
 * @package Bottles
class LastBottleException extends Exception {}

 * Out of bottles exception
 * @author Dave Marshal
 * @since 22/09/2005
 * @package Bottles
class OutOfBottlesException extends Exception {}

 * Wall Class
 * @author Dave Marshal
 * @since 22/09/2005
 * @package Bottles
class Wall {

	 * Collection of Bottles
	private $bottle = array();

	 * Wall Constructor
	 * @param int $numberOfBottles The number of bottles on this wall
	public function __construct($numberOfBottles=99)

	 * Wall Desctructor
	public function __Destruct() {}

	 * Get next bottle
	 * @param boolean $force Force the function to return the last bottle
	 * @returns Bottle
	 * @throws OutOfBeerException
	public function getNextBottle($force = FALSE)
		if (count($this->bottle) > 1) return array_pop($this->bottle);
		else if (count($this->bottle)==1) 
			if ($force) return array_pop($this->bottle);
			else throw new LastBottleException();
		else throw new OutOfBottlesException();

	 * Get number of beers left on the wall
	 * @return int
	public function getNumberOfBottles() 
		return count($this->bottle);

	 * Add more bottles
	 * @param int $numberOfBottles
	public function addBottles($numberOfBottles)
		for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfBottles;$i++)
			$this->bottle[] = new Bottle();

 * Bottle Class
 * @author Dave Marshal
 * @since 22/09/2005
 * @package Bottles
class Bottle {
	 * Bottle Constructor
	public function __construct() {}

	 * Bottle Destructor
	public function __destruct() {}


$wall = new Wall(99);

$continue = TRUE;

while ($continue)
	try {
		$bottlesLeftBefore = $wall->getNumberOfBottles();
		$bottle = $wall->getNextBottle();
		$bottlesLeftAfter = $wall->getNumberOfBottles();

		echo $bottlesLeftBefore." bottles of beer on the wall, ".$bottlesLeftBefore." bottles of
		echo "Take one down and pass it around, ".$bottlesLeftAfter." bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n";
	catch (LastBottleException $oneLeft)
		$bottle = $wall->getNextBottle(TRUE);
		echo "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n";
		echo "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n";
	catch (OutOfBottlesException $out)
		echo "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n";
		echo "Go to the store and buy some more, ";
		echo $wall->getNumberOfBottles()." bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n";




Some various special constructions

$heredoc = <<< EOF
	this all is heredoc
	it should be considered as a string
	keywords like if else while return are not highlighted	

# this is also a comment

// and this is a comment

$string = 'using a \' also makes a string';

// everything between php closing and open tags is ignored

	PHP opening and closing tags are highlighted as directives 
	although everything is highlighted even though it is not actual PHP
	code, this is a limitation
	// incorrectly highlighted as comment
	to make text show verbatim nest is within another XML tag
	// like this part
	"correctly not highlighted as string"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
	<title>Example of mixing different languages<title>
<body nowrap class="test">
	<H1 style="page-header">Hello World</h1>
	 * HTML document using the default xml highligter
	 * with a nested code block using the php syntax highlighter
	$string = "Hello universe";
	echo $string;

Generated by: SAXON 8.7 from Saxonica ( ) - Xslt version: 2.0