Example Python code
'''An extensible framework for simulated bottle buying, putting away, taking down, and drinking. ''' import sys def vernacularFilter(f): '''Let's say "no more" instead of "zero" ''' def _f(*args, **kw): word = f(*args, **kw) if word == 'zero': return 'no more' return word return _f class LanguageTranslationError(Exception): pass class NumToLanguageTranslator: '''Translate integers to spoken words, for various locales. ''' DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en-US' def __init__(self, locale=DEFAULT_LOCALE): self.translate = getattr(self, 'translate_%s' % locale.lower().replace('-','_')) if not self.translate: raise LanguageTranslationError, \ "Missing locale translation tables for numeric values" # en-US section. More to follow EN_US_SINGLETON = { 0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine', 10: 'ten', 11: 'eleven', 12: 'twelve', 20: 'twenty', 30: 'thirty', 40: 'fourty', 50: 'fifty', 60: 'sixty', 70: 'seventy', 80: 'eighty', 90: 'ninety', } EN_US_TEENS = (13,20) EN_US_TEEN_SPECIAL_PFX = { 3: 'thir', 4: 'four', 5: 'fif', 8: 'eigh', } EN_US_RANGE = (0, 100) EN_US_TEEN_SFX = 'teen' @vernacularFilter def translate_en_us(self, num): '''Translations for en-US; currently only 0-99 are supported. That should be enough bottles for anyone. ''' if num not in range(*self.EN_US_RANGE): raise LanguageTranslationError, \ "Cannot tranlsate: number out of range" if num in self.EN_US_SINGLETON: return self.EN_US_SINGLETON[num] remainder = num % 10 if num in range(*self.EN_US_TEENS): return '%s%s' % ( self.EN_US_TEEN_SPECIAL_PFX.get(remainder, self.EN_US_SINGLETON[remainder]), self.EN_US_TEEN_SFX) return '%s-%s' % (self.EN_US_SINGLETON[num / 10 * 10], self.EN_US_SINGLETON[remainder]) def joinStringList(strings): '''Take care of those pesky contractions. ''' if len(strings) == 1: return strings[0] return '%s and %s' % (','.join(strings[:-1]), strings[-1]) class Collection: '''A collection of items, complete with a few common actions (taking down, passing around, putting away) and extensive logging. ''' def __init__(self, itemClass, emptyClass, translator=NumToLanguageTranslator(), logfd=sys.stdout): self.itemClass = itemClass self.emptyClass = emptyClass self.items = [] self.location = None self.numTranslator = translator self.logfd = logfd def _get_description(self): return '%s %s' % (self.numTranslator.translate(len(self.items)), self.itemClass.name(plural=len(self.items) != 1)) description = property(_get_description) def _get_longDescription(self): return '%s %s' % (self.description, self.location) longDescription = property(_get_longDescription) def putAway(self, items, location): self.items.extend(items) self.location = location (EVENT_TAKE_ONE_DOWN, EVENT_PASS_IT_AROUND) = range(2) def takeOneDown(self, actor): '''Get an item and log its removal and distribution. ''' try: item_to_discard = self.items.pop(0) except IndexError: raise self.emptyClass self.logEvents( [self.EVENT_TAKE_ONE_DOWN, self.EVENT_PASS_IT_AROUND, ], actor) return item_to_discard LOG_MESSAGES = { EVENT_TAKE_ONE_DOWN: 'take one down', EVENT_PASS_IT_AROUND: 'pass it around', } def logEvents(self, events, actor): self.logfd.write('%s%s, ' % ( actor and (str(actor) + ' ') or '', joinStringList(map(lambda x: self.LOG_MESSAGES[x], events)) )) class Item: '''Any damn thing. ''' @staticmethod def name(plural=False): raise NotImplementedError, "Override me!" class Person: '''Someone, but specifically someone with a name. ''' def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def __str__(self): return self.name class TheStore: '''The source of many things. At the moment, only beer. TODO: pretzels. ''' @staticmethod def buyBeer(howMuch): return [BeerBottle() for x in range(howMuch)] ## Our application: Separate module?? class OutOfBeer(Exception): '''For resonable handling of a terrible situation. ''' def __str__(self): return "Go to the store and buy some more" class BeerBottle(Item): '''A potential item for collecting, passing around, etc. ''' @staticmethod def name(plural=False): return 'bottle%s of beer' % (plural and 's' or '') def drink(self): pass # Mmm. Beer. def letsDrink(who, howMuch, whereToKeep): '''A "sample" application, if you will, of this framework in use. Scales easily up to 99 bottles. ''' assert 1 <= howMuch <= 99 actor = Person(who) collection = Collection(BeerBottle, OutOfBeer) def refill(): collection.putAway(TheStore.buyBeer(howMuch), whereToKeep) refill() try: while True: print collection.longDescription.capitalize() + ', ' + collection.description + '.' bottle = collection.takeOneDown(actor) print collection.longDescription + '.' bottle.drink() print '' except OutOfBeer, e: sys.stdout.write(str(e)) # Lets be polite and leave the wall full! refill() print ',', collection.longDescription + '.' # --oh wait, GC. damn if __name__ == "__main__": # test letsDrink('You', 99, 'on the wall')
Origin: http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-python-1154.html
Some additional examples
""" this is a multi-line string """ #another example: ''' just like this string ''' #a single line string 'this is _NOT_ a multiline string # the newline broke the highlighting of the string