Example Ruby code
# 99 Bottles of beer, in Ruby # By Victor Borja, Sep 14, 2006 # This one shows my favorite Ruby features: # continuations, open classes, singleton classes, blocks and being funny! class Integer # The bottles def drink; self - 1; end end class << song = nil attr_accessor :wall def bottles (@bottles.zero? ? "no more" : @bottles).to_s << " bottle" << ("s" unless @bottles == 1).to_s end def of(bottles) @bottles = bottles (class << self; self; end).module_eval do define_method(:buy) { bottles } end self end def sing(&step) puts "#{bottles.capitalize} of beer on the wall, #{bottles} of beer." if @bottles.zero? print "Go to the store buy some more, " step = method :buy else print "Take one down and pass it around, " end @bottles = step[@bottles] puts "#{bottles} of beer on the wall." puts "" or wall.call unless step.kind_of? Method end end callcc { |song.wall| song.of(99) }.sing { |beer| beer.drink }
Origin: http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-ruby-1272.html
Some additional examples
#more strings a = "\nThis is a double quoted string\n" a = %Q{\nThis is a double quoted string\n} a = <<BLOCK This is a multi-line double quoted string BLOCK # end of heredoc string a = %/\nThis is a double quoted string\n/ a = 'This is a single quoted string' a = %q{This is a single quoted string}