Sample Article

This is an sample article written in DocBook to shown off the functionality of xslthl.

This sample article contains two program listings. First a simple java example that should work without any changes. And after that a example of mixing HTML and PHP.

Example 1. Java Example

package net.sf.xslthl.example;

public final class Example {
	 * The version of this example
	public static final String VERSION = "1.0"; 1
	public Example() { 2
		// nothing to do here
	public String toString() {
		return Example.class.getName()"_"+VERSION;


This is a Java equivalent of a constant


The default (no argument) constructor for an class. It is implied when no other constructor is defined.

The following program listing makes a composition of two highlighters. This is done by using a code element within the program listing.

Example 2. HTML + PHP Example

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
	<title>Using PHP in a HTML document</title>
	<p>A PHP script can contain normally formatted HTML, 
	it only has to be used outside of the <em>&lt;?php ... ?&gt;</em>
	section. The following string is produced by PHP:</p>
	// this is the message we want to show
	$msg = "Hello world!";
	echo "<p><b>" . $msg . "</b></p>";
	<!-- end of the example -->

To mix highlighters like this you need to make an adjustment to the DocBook XSL to allow highlighting in the code elements.

The following example presents using imported text through a textobject, the example imported is the source document.

Example 3. Example listing with imported text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xml=""
	xml:id="sample" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../ComposestarDocCORE/lib/docbook-5/xsd/docbook.xsd ">
	<title>Sample Article</title>
	<para>This is an sample article written in DocBook to shown off the functionality of xslthl.</para>
	<para>This sample article contains two program listings. First a simple java example that should work without any changes. And after that a example of mixing HTML and PHP.</para>
	<example xml:id="">
		<title>Java Example</title>
		<programlisting language="java" xml:space="preserve">
package net.sf.xslthl.example;

public final class Example {
	 * The version of this example
	public static final String VERSION = "1.0"; <co xml:id="" />
	public Example() { <co xml:id="" />
		// nothing to do here
	public String toString() {
		return Example.class.getName()"_"+VERSION;
			<callout arearefs="">
				<simpara>This is a Java equivalent of a constant</simpara>
			<callout arearefs="">
				<simpara>The default (no argument) constructor for an class. It is implied when no other constructor is defined.</simpara>
	<para>The following program listing makes a composition of two highlighters. This is done by using a <code>code</code> element within the program listing.</para>
	<example xml:id="example.html_php">
		<title>HTML + PHP Example</title>
		<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
	<title>Using PHP in a HTML document</title>
	<p>A PHP script can contain normally formatted HTML, 
	it only has to be used outside of the <em>&lt;?php ... ?&gt;</em>
	section. The following string is produced by PHP:</p>
	]]><code language="php"><![CDATA[<?php
	// this is the message we want to show
	$msg = "Hello world!";
	echo "<p><b>" . $msg . "</b></p>";
	<!-- end of the example -->
	<para>To mix highlighters like this you need to make an adjustment to the DocBook XSL to allow highlighting in the code elements.</para>
	<para>The following example presents using imported text through a textobject, the example imported is the source document.</para>
	<example xml:id="example.importtext">
		<title>Example listing with imported text</title>
		<programlisting language="xml" xml:space="preserve"><textobject><textdata fileref="sample-article.xml" /></textobject></programlisting>